The Windsor Public Library will host theatre professor and author Dorothy Chansky for a readers' theatre presentation of Alice Brown's delightful 1914 one-act play: "Joint Owners in Spain," and a discussion of Chansky's latest book "Losing It: Staging the Cultural Conundrum of Dementia and Decline in American Theatre."
The reading is directed by Sara Vitale and performed by Margaret Jennings, Judy Hallberg, Barbara Ball, and Anna Kendall. Chansky will discuss how her book explores eleven dementia plays that have been produced in the United States over the past century. Chansky is the author of "Kitchen Sink Realisms: Domestic Labor, Dining, and Drama in American Theatre" (University of Iowa Press 2015); and "Composing Ourselves: The Little Theatre Movement and the American Audience" (Southern Illinois University Press 2004). She is immediate past Vice President of Publications for the American Society for Theatre Research; a past president of the American Theatre and Drama Society; a past editor of Theatre Annual; and a past book review editor of Theatre Journal. Her work has appeared in Theatre Survey, Theatre History Studies, TDR, The Journal of American Drama and Theatre, Theatre Journal, and Modern Drama. She writes criticism for New York Theatre Wire. Ph.D. in Performance Studies, NYU; M.A. in Theatre, The Catholic University of America; B.A. in English, Smith College. She now lives in Bellows Falls.
In case of bad weather, the program will be rescheduled for Sunday, Feb 4th, 1PM.
Email or call the library at 802-674-2556 to reserve your spot!
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