Hybrid Meeting:
Physical location at the Town Offices, 1 South Street
Zoom Meeting:
I. 7:00
Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A) and implicit approval.
II. 7:05 Public Comment:
Public comments on agenda or other topics.
III. 7:10 Continuing Business:
a) None
IV. New Business:
a) Discussion: Review modified memo to Selectboard of Zoning Changes
b) Discussion: Review of Selectboard Changes to the proposed Unified Development Regs (UDR).
c) Action: Provide feedback to the Selectboard on their proposed changes to the UDR
d) Action: Appoint rep to serve on Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Steering Committee
V. 7:55 Administrative Matters
a) Approval of Minutes: November 7 & 21, 2023
b) Discussion: Zoning Administrator report
c) Discussion: Misc. Correspondence
VI. 8:00 Public Comment:
Public comments on agenda or other topics.
VII. 8:10 Adjournment
Meeting ID: 832 9978 6183
Passcode: 618777
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at
Videos of meetings can be found at
Mar 9, 2025, 4 to 5 PM
Middlebury Farmers MarketMar 15, 2025, 9 AM to 12:30 PM
Don't Spare the Fun! BGCGV BowlingMar 16, 2025, 2:30 to 4:30 PM