Town of Hyde Park Special Selectboard Meeting - Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.
Location: Hyde Park Municipal Building & via Zoom - 344 VT Route 15 W, Hyde Park, VT, 05655 (lower-level)
Welcome, changes to agenda & public comment
2. FY2025 Budget
Health benefit costs 2024 increased 12.8%
Highway budget review with Mark French
Listers annual payment of $1,600 x 3 for services w/ mileage reimbursement at IRS rate
Krista Jones – Assistant Town Clerk and Treasurer Compensation – ACTION ITEM
Justin Mason – Board Clerk Compensation – Possible Action Item
Possible areas to cut funding to lower current projected 8.52% tax rate
3. Approve letter of support for ADA Grant NHP Fire Station; Eden to manage grant – ACTION ITEM
4. North Hyde Park Infrastructure Study Committee Mission Statement – ACTION ITEM
5. Town Warrants – ACTION ITEM
6. Possible Executive Session – Personnel 1 VSA 313(a)(3)
7. Adjourn
Next Selectboard Regular Meeting – Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 6:00 PM
Please visit for the official meeting agenda containing the call-in and zoom information.
Please email with any questions or to be added to a future agenda.
Thank you, Justin Mason, Board Clerk, Town of Hyde Park
Mar 4, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
Vermont Repertory Theatre: Sweeney Todd Feb.28 - March 7Mar 7, 2025, 7:30 to 10 PM
Annual Lowell Graded School BingoMar 8, 2025, 6 PM