Sunday Service at MMUUF - Jan. 14

Past event
Jan 14, 2024, 9:30 AM

"First, Lasts and Everything in Between" with Dana Baron

We as a society are very focused on firsts and lasts. Soon we'll be starting a new year and this is the first service of the year. How many times have you said, "this is the last time I'll ever…" fill in the blank. In this service, I will explore our fascination with firsts and lasts and maybe say something about the times between.

Dana Baron was a long-time member of MMUUF before moving to Shelburne just before the pandemic. He retired from his career in IT in 2018 and now fills his time with family, community and adventure. He currently volunteers at the Lund Family Center in Burlington and is president of the Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain region. He and his wife like taking week-long bike trips in various parts of the world. His two daughters, Erica and Joanne, live in Boston and Washington, DC, respectively.

Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Sunday Services - Worship, reflect, and sustain one another, within an inclusive spiritual community, built on values of honoring and affirming the worth of every person, striving for justice, participating in the world community, and respecting the natural web of existence. Please email for how to attend on Zoom or come join us at the Barn. Masks are welcome but not required. Learn more: and

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