Housing Development Meeting-Venue Update

Past event
Jan 8, 2024, 6:30 to 8 AM

FPF Friends...to those planning on attending Monday's housing discussion at Talta...the venue has changed due to maintenance issues. We are now covering in the meeting room at the Stowe Arena. So not only can you bring the human family, bring the four footed ones too.

What housing discussion meeting on Monday, you ask? For the past several months, I have had the pleasure to work with the idea man, JW. A builder/developer from MA, but due to a pair skis or a mountain bile being attached to him somehow, he spends lots of time here in Stowe. His idea is a simple, but unconventional, one and may not be for everyone. But for those who live, work or play here in Stowe and feel priced out of the current market...this idea just may appeal to you.

Below is an except from JW's presentation...

"Communities across the nation are facing an affordable housing crisis. People are getting pushed out of neighborhoods where they've worked, played and raised their families, because the cost of home ownership is so far out of reach. I'm a builder by trade, a problem-solver by nature. For the last five years, I've been designing blueprints in my mind for an environmentally, conscious community that enables residents to become homesteaders. Over the last seven months, I've been talking to all kinds of residents about making that vision a reality, here in Stowe.

I made a commitment to Stowe 24 years ago, when I first brought my kids here to teach them to ski. I was blown away by the people I met. I feel lucky to be a part of uncommonly warm and welcoming community, and I want to do what I can to help ensure Stowe remains accessible for all who want to make their home and commit their hearts here.

My initial vision for community-centered, affordable home-ownership has evolved with each conversation. At the heart of the project, we want to construct an environmentally responsible development that helps Stowe homesteaders simultaneously build individual equity and interconnected community. The blueprint I'd like to propose to you now looks like a Lollipop. This community would be developed on a piece of land divided into 8 equals plots, radiating out from the center in concentric circles.  This circle would also have a "tail", for the common driveway and garage/storage building.

By leveraging environmental technologies such as solar, composting toilets, rain water collection, a wide range of potential land areas where this is possible, opens up. Making little to no disruption to existing neighborhoods.

There you have it, the Cliff Notes version of what we would like to accomplish. If you can relate, join us at the Stowe Arena 350 Park St, Stowe, Monday, January 8, 2024 at 6:30 PM. I got JW on the hook for pizza and drinks. Come have a slice, bring the kids, your neighbor, whatever. RSVP's are requested but not required. But don't blame me if you don't get any.

For those who want to join, but can't make it irl, here is a Zoom link - you can still join us (just no pizza-sad face)

Contact me either via email or at (802) 272-2164. If not now, when?

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Stowe Arena, Park Street, Stowe, VT

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