The Town of Barre Recreation Board holds is monthly public meeting on Monday, January 8th starting at 6:00pm in Conference Room #3 of the Municipal Building at 149 Websterville Road. There is an option to attend in person or remote. The Board will consider the following Agenda:
1. Call to Order: 6:00pm
2. Consider Approving Agenda
3. Consider Approving December 4th Meeting Minutes
4. Public Input (for non-agenda items)
5. Restructuring of the Recreation Board – Ongoing Conversation
a. Welcome new Board Member Laura Ireland
b. Elect Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
6. Address Barclay Quarry Road Resident Complaint about Town Forest Parking
7. Corridor Manager Report
a. Barre Town Thunder Chickens
b. Quarries Disc Golf
8. Review Draft Policies and Set Work Deadline – Ongoing Conversation
a. Facility Use Fees
b. Recreation Board Charge v3
9. Consider Recreational Events and Offerings
a. Brainstorming ideas
b. 2024 Draft Calendar
c. Maintaining a Volunteer List
10. Updates from the Recreation Director
a. RTP Grant
b. LLF Fence / Baseball Lighting
c. Budget Season Update
11. 'Round the Table
12. Set Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting: February 5th
13. Adjourn
The Board's next meeting will be on Monday, February 5th at 6:00pm.
Jan 3, 2025, 2 PM
Holiday Bottle DriveJan 4, 2025, 8 to 11 AM
Washington Snowflyers 9th Annual Vintage Snowmobile RallyJan 4, 2025, 9 AM to 2 PM