Guilford Selectboard Meeting Agenda for Jan. 8

Past event
Jan 8, 2024, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Monday, January 8, 2024, 6:30 p.m., 236 School Road, Guilford, VT


Call to Order (ESTIMATED Time)

Rules of Procedure (2 minutes)

Welcoming of Public Community Comment Period (10 minutes)

Changes to Agenda Order (2 minutes)

Approval of Minutes (2 minutes; ACTION: MOTION)
Minutes of the regular meeting of 12.11.23

Updates and Reports
Town Administrator (5 minutes)
Highway Commissioner (5 minutes)
Richard Davis, Health Officer (5 minutes)

Old Business
Sub-committee recommendation on the standing of the Sweet Pond Fund. ACTION: MOTION (2 minutes)
Herron vs. Guilford status DISCUSSION (2 minutes)

New Business
Update to Personnel Policy. ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
FY2025 Budget review, Fund names. DISCUSSION, ACTION: MOTION (20 minutes)
Potential articles for Town Meeting. DISCUSSION (15 minutes)
Shall delinquent tax penalties accrue to the town going forward? ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)

Finance (5 minutes; ACTION: MOTION)

Payroll - WE 12.17.23 $7,288.36
Payroll – WE 12.24.23. $9,052.92
Payroll – WE 12.31.23. $7,055.37
Payroll – WE 01.07.24. $TBD
Expense Warrant #2412. $36,508.77
Expense Warrant #2412V. $1,235.88

Other Business (2 minutes)

Concerned Guilford Town Residents (DISCUSSION 4 minutes)
Australian Ballot Comment (DISCUSSION 4 minutes)

Executive Session ACTION: MOTION (5 minutes)
Executive Session to discuss labor relations agreements with employees
per 1 VSA § 313 (a) (1)(B).

Actions from Previous Meeting
Approved minutes of 11.27.23 meeting
Approved ARPA request of Guilford EMD
Voted not to use Australian Ballot for Town Meeting 2024 per COVID Act
Agreed to collaborate with the Grange on Pre-Town Meeting 2.27.24
Authorized Town Administrator to renew Algiers Village Center Designation
Approved FY25 budget for staff
Approved warrants

Action Taken

Actions to be Taken


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236 School Road, Guilford, VT

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