Master Gardeners Educational Programs 2024
Programs begin at 7:00 on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Godnick Center, and are open to the public.
January 15- Phil Prevosto Phil will share with us the history of Tell a Tale Farm, his farm in West Rutland. He will explain some of his special projects, such as grafting tomatoes.
Phil is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. Phil began farming in the summer of 2014, working on vineyards and farms in the Baltimore area. He came to Vermont in 2017 to attend Green Mountain College. In 2019 Phil left Vermont to complete his studies in Prescott, Arizona. He returned to Vermont in 2020 and began working for Greg Cox and Boardman Hill Farm. Shortly after, Phil started his own farm business Tell A Tale Farm. Phil currently farms in a couple different locations located throughout Rutland County.
Mar 3, 7 PM to 7 PM, Mar 4, 2025
RTS Annual Meeting for Town Meeting DayMar 3, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Celebration of Life for Ron ThompsonMar 9, 2025, 3:30 to 5:30 PM