Living with a Reactive Dog Webinar

Past event
Mar 11, 2024, 11 to 11:45 AM

Reactivity in dogs can manifest itself in many ways. Your dog may:

- Lunge at people or other dogs on walks
- Try to chase bikes, trucks, and cars
- Run and hide from strangers in the home
- Snap at children or at certain members of your family

Come to Townshend-based Janice Z Dog Training's webinar to learn about reactive behaviors such as these, and more, and how you can help your dog's Very Big Feelings. When you register, you can also submit a question about your dog's behavior.

Webinar fee: Net registration fees will be shared with the Windham County Humane Society.

Janice Zazinski (she/her) is a Certified Trainer & Counselor, a Certified Separation Anxiety Trainer, and a Family Paws Parent Educator. Based in Townshend, VT, Janice Z Dog Training serves the local community in person, works with clients everywhere online, is a referral trainer for humane societies and veterinarians in several states, and is a regular columnist for the Brattleboro Reformer.

Janice Z's training methods are rewards-based, force-free, and humane. You and your dog will love how it feels to train together! Find out more at

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