Hunger Mointain Coop Council Meeting Re: New GM

Past event
Dec 28, 2023, 3 to 3:30 PM

Dec 28 council meeting

There will be a Hunger Mountain Coop (HMC) council meeting at 3pm on Thursday, Dec 28, to discuss changing the contract terms with Gallagher Flynn (consultant for hiring a new General Manager)--whether to give them a full consulting package rather than the more limited ala carte contract they now have with the co-op. Most of the meeting will be in Executive Session, but members will have an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting to make two minute comments. I encourage co-op members to sign into the meeting to urge the council to say NO to a full package with Gallagher Flynn.

Hiring a new General Manager is likely to be the most important decision that HMC will make in the near future. It is my view that co-op members should be consulted and involved in deciding criteria and methods for hiring a new manager–and, when there are a few finalists, there should be a town hall style meeting for co-op members to question the candidates and take a straw vote for whom to select. (The council will make the final selection.)

Here are excerpts from the minutes of the October council meeting: Council member Steven Farnham advocated handling the hiring process internally, sans headhunter(s), to recruit candidates for the open GM position… RJ asked how many proposals were received; and on what basis were they selected: quality, local, cost? Eva explained that proposals were received from three firms. The selection [by the Executive Committee] was made based on highest level of skill and expertise….. Steven explained that parts of the objective was to avoid the cost of compensation. Folks with the skill set would be asked to volunteer their time, but he is not opposed to modest compensation. He encountered members who appear qualified and willing, and expressed that it makes more sense to engage people from within the community in this process…… Lauren added that it's daunting and important work, there is a need to be patient, and incorporate voices of as many stakeholders as possible. … Steven is not in favour of headhunters, expressing a desire for a local, grassroots, organic effort that utilises the consultants we have now, though this may require a charter change… Jeff noted it's been 20 years since the Council conducted a search like this, and it's a different world now. ….

Let's speak up as co-op members. We should not be left out of the process of selecting a new General Manager.

link to sign into the meeting....

Members and Staff Welcome To Participate: Dec 28, 2023
Note Taker: Rowan 1 646 558 8656 US Meeting ID: 976 4144 1406 Passcode: 282095

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