Can’t make it to the NYC for the People’s Climate March this Sunday? Or not leaving until Sunday? There’s a great way for you to show your support for bold action to tackle global warming and keep the pressure on, right here in Vermont.
Join us for the Burlington Peoples' Climate March Solidarity Rally and Send-Off Saturday, 9/20 at 1:00 PM on UVM's Royall Tyler Green
As we all know, global warming threatens Vermonters’ way of life. Severe storms and flooding are becoming more destructive and more frequent, stacking the deck for more storms like Irene.
But the good news is there are solutions Vermont can implement right now that will create a better tomorrow while saving Vermonters money today. For the sake of future generations of Vermonters—not to mention, the world—it’s high time Vermont’s leaders act.
Now’s the time to be loud and proud about our support for bold action to combat global warming, and put Vermont on a path toward energy independence. Let’s get going.