We've had another lively month since November. This month with our guest Michele Braun (of Friends of the Winooski) we consider the impact of dams upon the river habitat, and how they modify a river in flood and in low water. Marshfield residents are welcome to participate.
Hazard Mitigation Committee
Thursday, December 21, 2023 - 7 p.m.
Plainfield Town Hall, 18 High Street (Rte. 2), Plainfield
The public is welcome to attend in person or by Zoom. Please park in the Town lot across the street unless you need access to the handicapped parking space in front of the building.
1. Call meeting to order (7 p.m.)
2. Introduction of Visitors
3. Amendments or additions to the Agenda
4. Review of last meetings' Minutes for approval (Michael)
5. Report on Committee Budget Request to the Select Board (Jen)
6. Summary of the state's Dam Removal program, and how that might apply in Plainfield (Michele Braun - Friends of the Winooski)
7. Committee resolution to ask Select Board to participate in an evaluation of a prospective Dam Removal in Plainfield
8. Adjourn (8:30 p.m.)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6280392654?pwd=SzBvVlpLbjBJdWtkYWs3dXBRTWJiQT09
Meeting ID: 628 039 2654
Passcode: 123123
To join by phone (only one connection is possible) call 802-322-5019. If you hear a busy signal, the connection is no longer available.