A great way to shake off the cobwebs and start the new year on the right foot! This First Day Hike is focused on families with small children and is part of a series of hikes taking place across Vermont organized by the Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. It is open to all but be advised that the group will likely be traveling at a slow pace. This time of year, you never know what we will have for weather. If the temperature is going to be below 20⁰F the hike will be canceled. Please dress appropriately and be prepared to be outside for up to 2 hours. If there is deep snow plan on bringing snowshoes. If you plan to hike to the top of Owl's Head it is advised to have Yak Tracks or similar foot grips.
We will plan to have a large sled to help bring gear to the shelter located at the end of the hike. We will also bring kindling so we can have a fire once we reach the shelter at the top of the access road. We will set aside time by the fire to share new year's resolutions and favorite memories from the past year. Bring water and thermoses of hot beverages and snacks. The road back down to the cars will provide a good opportunity to go sledding/skiing.
Hike Statistics:
Road to the shelter: ¾ mile with 350 feet elevation gain
Trail from the shelter to the top of the mountain: 1,500 feet with 100 feet of elevation gain.
The access to Owl's Head is located off Route 232 in Groton State Forest. There are two ways to get to the top of Owl's Head; a 2-mile hiking trail or by hiking ¾ mile up the access road. We will be walking up the access road; parking at the gate just off Route 232. There is enough room at this location for 8 cars. If we have more cars, we can shuttle people from the Kettle Pond parking area a mile south on Route 232.
To RSVP, to ask questions, or to confirm the hike is still occurring (up to 11am on the 1st) call Walter at (802)522-6022 or walter.opuszynski@vermont.gov.
Link to Google Map: https://drive.google.com/openid=1yU44lUqZQ4D3EAC8oUzoAIyXXBpbhoCV&usp=sharing
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