Community Knit Night Jan. 4

Past event
Jan 4, 2024

Once a month, adults in Cornwall and neighboring towns are invited to a crafting night at the Cornwall town hall. At each meeting, our community member teaches a craft project that is made, or at least started, that evening. There will be separate sign-ups for each workshop notified via Front Porch Forum. A participation fee may be gathered to cover the potential material and teaching costs. The fee varies per each project. (In January, if you already know how to knit and bring your own tools and materials, you will not, of course, be asked to pay any participation fee. Please see the information in the end of the message.)

Where and what time?

Upstairs at the Cornwall town hall on Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8:30pm.


1/4 community knit night by Molly F.
2/1 paper flowers by Caitlin
3/7 crochet a baby octopus by Ashley

How do I sign up?

Are you interested in joining the knit night? If yes, please send us an email (please see the button below this message), and in the email please let us know whether you:
a) are looking forward to learn to knit and don't have your own tools or yarn,
b) have your own tools and are in the middle of a knitting project but need help with it, or
c) have your own tools and just want to come to knit with the group.

Your answers will help Molly and I to plan for the evening in January!

Hope to see you there,

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