Andrews Community Forest Committee Meeting

Past event
Dec 18, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

Andrews Community Forest Committee
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday December 18th, 2023 - 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Location: Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf. Room C, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street
Meeting will be held in person but may also be joined online or by phone
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 8010 3019
Passcode: 459424
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a. 6:00 pm Standing Items:
Start recording Zoom.
Roll call and confirm Quorum; Welcome and identify public in attendance.
Appoint time-keeper and minutes taker
Minutes of November 27th, 2023 meeting
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Updates from RTC and RCC representatives (if any) and correspondence (if any).
Note: Chairperson may recognize Public Comment period of each Agenda item.
(Public in person please move to the table with microphones and identify themselves).
b. 6:15 (30 minutes) Wright Preston Application to join the ACFC, including recommendations from RCC and RTC (Application in Packet).
c. 6:45 (40 minutes) Proposal for a writer to help revise our Management Plan incorporating ACFC recommendations for revisions. ACFC members to bring suggestions to the meeting:
- about the scope of project, the proposed contractor responsibilities, and desired skills, qualifications, experience required.
- Materials required for Management Plan revision (such as records of public input, 'model' management plans from other Towns, etc.), – to be made easily accessible at the ACFC page at the Town website.
- Intent to appoint a subcommittee to prepare content of an RFP for submission to the Select Board via the Town Manager after the January ACFC meeting.
d. 7:25 (10 minutes) ACFC Quorum and implications.
e. 7:35 (20 minutes) Town Committees Policy and procedures review (2 items in packet)
f. 7:55 Next meeting (January 22nd, 2023) and Entertain Motion to Adjourn

a. "ACFC Meeting Minutes Nov 2023.pdf"
b. Wright Preston application to join ACFC: "scan_prestonw_2023-11-17-08-21-14.pdf"
e. "a-guide-to-open-meetings-january-2019.pdf" (Published by Vermont Secretary of State)
e. Email from Ian Stokes to Daniel Schmidt: "Advice on ACFC conduct.pdf"
e. "Re_ Advice on ACFC conduct.pdf "

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203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT

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