Dec. 20 Selectboard Agenda

Past event
Dec 20, 2023, 6 PM

December 20, 2023
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1. Meeting Call to Order 6:00PM
2. Agenda Additions or Deletions
3. Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
4. Approve Minutes of 12/6
5. Selectboard Forum
6. Presentation of Regional Planning Commission Annual Report – Charlie Baker
7. Presentation of Proposed FY25 Carpenter-Carse Library Budget – Rob Broder
8. Consider Approval of Resolution for Bond Vote Validation
9. Consider Approval of First and Third Class Liquor Licenses for Black Radish Catering
10. Consider Approval of Grand List Errors and Omissions
11. Consider Approval of Dale and Betty (Lyman) Dawson Cemetery Endowment Fund Agreement
12. Discussion of Williston Community Justice Center – Chief Cambridge
13. Discussion of Draft FY25 Capital and Operating Budgets
14. Town Manager Report
15. Approve Warrants and Payroll
16. Possible Executive Session Pursuant to 1 V.S.A. § 313(a)(3)
17. Adjourn

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