Selectboard Agenda

Past event
Dec 18, 2023, 6:30 PM

Town of Bethel
Selectboard Agenda
Monday, December 18, 2023
6:30 pm at Bethel Town Hall (318 Main Street) & via Zoom

ZOOM LINK Meeting ID: 822 4882 8562 Passcode: 053049 Phone# 1-646-558-8656

6:30 pm: Call meeting to order and approve the agenda.
6:33 pm: Cindy Metcalf re: Bethel Food Shelf appropriation
Public Comment

Mascoma Bank $1.0 M line of credit at 5% for July Flood Damages. This would be paid back as we receive FEMA and Federal Highway Reimbursements. (This line of credit would only be used if cash flow required it.)
Motion to approve Selectboard Chair to sign documents
Discussion of draft survey for Town Report
Discussion only
Discussion of proposed FY 24-25 fiscal year budget
Discussion only
Contract with Windsor County Sherrif's office until June 30, 2024 for $30,000.
Motion to approve Town Manager negotiating and signing contract
Minutes and Communications:

1. Town Manager's Report
2. Selectboard Minutes from 12/11/2023
3. Other Communications
4. Any Other Business Necessary to Come Before the Board

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