Bristol Conservation Commission December Meeting

Past event
Dec 14, 2023, 6 to 7:30 PM

BCC December Meeting Agenda:
I Call to order: 6:00 pm at Holley Hall
II Public Comment Period
III Addition of Items to the Agenda
IV Review and approval of minutes from Nov 9 meeting
V Correspondence
VI Old Business
A. Park accessibility and signage: discussion lead by Porter Knight
B. Wildlife project partnership with Middlebury College
a. discussion of F23 work lead by David Goldsmith
b. discussion of ENVS0401 course collaboration during S24
C. Parks Updates: Eagle, Memorial, Sycamore, Saunders River Access – updates
D. Conservation Commission Membership: the BCC has a vacancy for 1 member
E. Municipal Vulnerability Index: any updates?
VII New Business
VIII Events
IX Next Meeting: January 11 at 6:00pm, in Holley Hall conference room with Zoom option
X Adjournment

* Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 7426 7401
Passcode: 566093
Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at

Videos of meetings can be found at

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Holley Hall, South Street, Bristol, VT

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