Volunteers Green & Browns Court Project Committee

Past event
Dec 12, 2023, 7 to 9 PM

Volunteers Green and Browns Court Project Committee Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 12th, 2023, 7-9 pm
Richmond Town Center Meeting Conf Room C, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street
Meeting may also be joined online or by phone
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 858 4932 2118
Passcode: 944711
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdqifXQPJu

-Public Comment
-Review minutes from meeting of 11/27/23
-Next meeting already scheduled for Thursday 12/28/23 at 7pm
-Reports from members on their research since the 11/27/23 meeting:

Browns Court:
John Linn
Pickle Ball/tennis courts – any new quotes – Tess
Bocce Court – any quotes/updates – Tess
Parking – update – Denise
Tree removal and pruning – Fran

Volunteers Green:
Playground structures –
VOREC grant update - Jeanne
Any updates/quotes – Jeanne
Info from recreation committee – Mark F and Jeanne
Picnic tables and benches – any updates/quotes – Jeanne
Band Stand and band stand area – Updates on the below to do list items:
Proposal for Professional Engineering Services – Fran
Quote from Gary for beam work/floor
Quote from Denise for architect design
All access ramp (with railing) – discussion with regional planning - Fran
Landscaping around the bandshell:
Vegetation for the barrier near the river – any quotes
Around the crabapple trees – in need of weeding, shrub removal and cleanup – any new quotes – Fran
All Accessible trail/path (pending another quote with paved path)– Fran
Restroom/concession stand improvements – check if FEMA funds will do some of the needed bathroom work - Fran
Tree pruning – Fran & Tess
Baseball Fields quotes –Josh
Removable bleachers – summary of email from Tyler - Denise

Round Church Green: Any updates to any of the below projects
Tree work – removal and pruning - Fran & Tess
Grass improvement – Fran
Stone monument cleaning – Megan
Replacement Christmas tree
Historic fence – photo
Steps Forward – assignments
Other items

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