Development Review Board Meeting

Past event
Dec 14, 2023, 6 to 9 PM

Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
Date: Thursday, December 14, 2023
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: Community Room or Via Zoom
Address: 43 Bombardier Road
Contact: (802) 893-6655 option 4
Bruce Jenkins, Chair; Nick Smith, Vice-Chair; Julie Rutz, Clerk; Scott Turner; Maryalice Callahan;
Henry Bonges, Alternate; Bob Brisson, Alternate; Bill McSweeney, Alternate

1. Call to Order:

2. Attendance:

3. Agenda Review: Additions or deletions from agenda

4. Public Forum:
The public may attend and be heard in accordance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1 V.S.A. 312).

5. Hearings:
Rescheduled Hearings:
A. Leroy & Marjorie Lacasse Trustees, owner/applicant request Conditional Use approval for "improvements to existing structures within the floodway" located at 15 Rainbow Place. The proposal includes repairs associated with the July 2023 flood and elevation of structure above BFE. The subject property consists of approximately 0.48 acres, is described as Parcel ID 202027-000000, SPAN 396-123-11873, and is in the Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) Zoning District and West Milton Planning Area.

B. Warner Living Trust, owner/applicant request Conditional Use approval for "improvements to existing structures within the floodway" located at 39 Rainbow Place. The proposal includes repairs associated with the July 2023 flood. The subject property consists of approximately 2.29 acres, is described as Parcel ID 202022-000000, SPAN 396-123-13711, and is in the Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) Zoning District and West Milton Planning Area.

C. Daniel & Sharon Werner, owner/applicant request Conditional Use approval for "improvements to existing structures within the floodway" located at 350 West Milton Road. The proposal includes repairs associated with the July 2023 flood. The subject property consists of approximately 16.5 acres, is described as Parcel ID 206037-000000, SPAN 396-123-13754, and is in the Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) Zoning District and Lamoille Planning Area.

D. James M Rowley Revocable Trust, owner/applicant request Conditional Use approval for "improvements to existing structures within the floodway" located at 489 West Milton Road. The proposal includes repairs associated with the July 2023 flood and elevation of structure. The subject property consists of approximately 1.5 acres, is described as Parcel ID 206043-000002 & 206043-000001, SPAN 396-123-13065 & 396-123-14336, and is in the Flood Hazard Overlay (FHO) Zoning District and Lamoille Planning Area.

Continued Hearings:
E. Chandan LLC c/o Rajiv Saini, owner/applicant, is requesting Major Site Plan & Variance approval for an addition with a dwelling unit at 69 Middle Rd, described as Parcel 227015-000000, SPAN 396-123-11627. The subject property is recorded as having 0.98 acres and is located in the Downtown Business (DB1) zoning district, and the Town Core Planning Area.

New Hearings/ Business:
F. 5-9 River Street LLC c/o Armand Turner Jr, owner/applicant request Variance approval to reduce the 1st story height of a previously proposed 7-unit multi-family dwelling principal building located on parcel described at 5-9 River Street. The subject property consists of approximately 1.68 acres, is described as Parcel ID 134002-000000, SPAN 396-123-13069, and is in the Historic Neighborhood Center (NC2) Zoning District and Town Core Planning Area.

G. Kevin Harrison, owner/applicant, is requesting Final Plan approval for a 4-lot minor conventional subdivision located at 0 North Road, described as Parcel #215132-000000, SPAN 396-123-12255. The subject property is recorded as having 138.13 acres and is located within the Agricultural/Rural Residential (R5) and Forestry/Conservation/Scenic Ridgeline (FC) zoning districts, and the East Milton Planning Area.

6. Other Business:
A. Request for Discussion on 86 Cody Rd Variance denial.
B. Approval of Minutes from November 9, 2023

7. Deliberative Session Private session for deliberations on applications and written decisions in accordance with 1V.S.A. 312.

8. Adjournment

Meeting Documents

All documents pertaining to this meeting may be viewed using the following link:

Zoom Information
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 858 1828 8734
Passcode: 558650

Amanda Pitts, Zoning Administrator

Filed in the Town Clerk's Office. Posted at the Municipal Building Entrance; Town DRB webpage, Facebook, and Front Porch Forum pages. E-mailed to the Regional Planning Commission, Burlington Free Press, Milton Independent

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