5th Annual Trinity Baptist School Senior Trip Test Drive Fundraiser!

Past event
Sep 26, 2014, 3 to 6 PM


HELP DODGE RAISE MONEY FOR the TBS Senior Class Missions Trip!

What? 5th annual Dodge Test Drive Fundraiser to benefit the TBS Senior Missions Trip.
When? Friday, Sept. 26th, between 3-6pm. Come anytime.
Why? The senior class has earned thousands of dollars each year in those 3 hours! It’s fun! It’s easy!
It’s fast! Drives take less than 5 minutes on our short course.
Absolutely NO sales pressure.
Where? Trinity Baptist School, 300 Trinity Dr., Williston, VT
Who? The whole community is invited to participate. Anyone 18 or over, with a valid driver’s license, can join in. Come all!
How? Goss Dodge Chrysler will bring new Dodge Durango, Grand Caravan, Dart and Journey vehicles to the school and volunteer their time to help during the fundraiser. The seniors will earn $20 from Dodge for EVERY person who takes the brief test drive.
Bonus: Grab a great Marinated Chicken Dinner-only $6/$4, luscious desserts, and even drop off your redeemable bottles & cans!

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