Monday, December 4, 2023, 7:00 PM
In-person at Holley Hall and via Zoom
I. Call to Order: 7:00 P.M.
1. Review agenda for addition, removal, or adjustment of any items per 1 V.S.A. §312(d)(3)(A).
• Add an agenda item to consider and accept an Errors and Omissions Report from the Bristol Listers.
2. Overview of Zoom meeting operation and procedures: rules for participation, mute microphone, recognition by Chair, etc.
II. Public Forum. (5 min. per person)
III. Regular Business.
1. Water Commission: Review and approve corrections to the FY2024 Water District budget. (+/- 15 min.)
2. Consider the creation of a new Equity Committee and appointment and/or advertisement for members to be on it: Porter Knight. (+/- 15 min.)
3. Consider quote from NorwichEV for installation of two Level 2 EV chargers for the Vermont EV Chargers grant application and authorize Richard Butz to submit the application. (+/- 15 min.)
4. Review of preliminary budget information, process, goals, and schedule. (+/- 20 min.)
5. Review and potential approval of revised Bristol Revolving Loan application materials. (+/- 20 min.)
6. Review and approval of the November 13, 2023 and June 27, 2022 meeting minutes. (+/- 5 min.)
7. Authorize accounts payable warrant and any liquor or tobacco licenses. (+/- 5 min.)
8. Selectboard roundtable (+/- 10 min.)
9. Town Administrator's report (+/- 5 min.)
IV. Other Business.
1. Correspondence, reports, correspondence received. (+/- 5 min.)
V. Executive Session – tentative re personnel matters per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(3), real estate negotiations per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(2), and potential contract negotiations per 1 V.S.A. §313(a)(1)(A).
VI. Adjourn.
Next regular Selectboard meetings:
• Monday, December 11, 2023 (Zoning Bylaw Public Hearing)
• Monday, December 18, 2023 (Zoning Bylaw Public Hearing)
REMOTE MEETING: This will be a hybrid in-person meeting as well as conducted through the Zoom remote meeting on-line platform. See the connection information below. If you intend to join the Zoom meeting and have never used Zoom before, we recommend you begin the log-in process well in advance of the meeting to allow time for downloads and connections to occur.
PHYSICAL LOCATION: Holley Hall. People attending in person are welcome to wear a mask for their and others' protection.
CALL-IN: People without a computer or other device can call in from the number below and enter the meeting ID from the phone keypad.
TO JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING Beginning at 7:00pm:
Meeting ID: 879 1281 0018
Passcode: 619003
Join meeting by phone: 1 (646) 558-8656
Minutes of meetings and some digital agenda materials can be found at:
Videos of meetings can be found at:
Questions? Contact me at (802) 453-2410 or
--Valerie Capels
Town Administrator
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