Newport City Council Meeting
Regular Meeting Agenda
Monday, December 4, 2023, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Newport City Council Room
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City Council: Linda Joy Sullivan, Mayor
John Wilson, Council President
Kevin Charboneau
Chris Vachon
Clark Curtis
James D. Johnson, City Clerk/Treasurer
1. Call the Regular Council Meeting to Order
2. Approve Minutes of November 20, 2023
3. Comments by Members of the Public
4. North Country Mountaineers Annual SnowMobile MOU, Steve Dalpe:
Anticipated VOTE
5. VOREC Grant Update-City portion of partnership - Discussion
6. Errors & Omissions: Anticipated VOTE
7. Resolution designating Authorized Official for NBRC Award NBRC19GVT10
Causeway Improvements - Anticipated VOTE
8. MVP Recertification - Anticipated VOTE
9. Newport Ambulance Contract Approval - Anticipated VOTE
10. Road Agreements Discussion
11. Coventry Fire Agreement - Anticipated VOTE
12. Fire Chief Job Description - Anticipated VOTE
13. Budget Review: (As time allows) Administration, Police Department, Fire
14. New Business
15. Old Business
16. Set next meeting: Regularly Scheduled Council Meeting: December 18, 2023
@ 6:30pm
17. Adjourn
Rebecca Therrien
Comptroller/Programs Director
City of Newport
222 Main Street
Newport, VT 05855