1/2 Priced Localvore Deal for Spiral Pathways!

Past event
Sep 13, 2014, 8 AM to 11:30 PM

** Contact me or buy the deal here: http://www.localvoretoday.com/deals/spiral-pathways-offer/ **

Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Seeking inner clarity on a confusing question, or more oomph to apply to your goals? An Aromatherapy-Reiki session with Terrie from Spiral Pathways is just the ticket for you!

Terrie has been a Reiki Master practitioner and teacher for over 14 years. She is the founder of Spiral Pathways and Morrisville's Holistic Health and Learning Center where she offers a variety of services, essential oil sales, and classes in a bright, welcoming atmosphere!

Reiki is a gentle, meditative, light-touch wellness technique. Aromatherapy is a method of using plant-based aromatic essential oils to support the body-mind-spirit. Together, Reiki and aromatherapy provide a uniquely transformative experience. Terrie's customized sessions combine these two health-supportive methods in a way that is profoundly supportive of you. She has dozens of therapeutic-grade essential oils to draw from and blend to personalize your experience.

Reiki is especially ideal for people who wish to relax but who prefer less personal body contact than a massage. The client is fully-clothed during this soothing hour-long session.

You can also learn more about the oils that Terrie uses here: http://www.spiralpathways.marketingscents.com/ and for easy-to-access health tips on how and why to use them, ask Terrie to send you her informative essential oil e-newsletter!

Relax, release, clarify, manifest — a customized Aroma-Reiki session with Terrie will help you “Be Well and Smell Great!”

Spiral Pathways is located at 49 Brigham Street in the heart of downtown Morrisville!

Terrie Look

Spiral Pathways Holistic Health & Learning, LLC

"Be Well & Smell Great!"
Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher (Usui, Karuna(R), Lightarian(TM))
Young Living Essential Oils Independent Distributor #787427
Access Consciousness Bars(TM), EFT "Tapping," and more!
office: 49 Brigham St, Morrisville
mail: PO Box 54, Morrisville, VT 05661
(802) 363-2057 ~ Healing@SpiralPathways.com
Primary Business page: www.facebook.com/SpiralPathways
Young Living Business page: www.SpiralPathways.marketingscents.com
Wellness Center page (Founder): www.facebook.com/MorrisvilleCenter

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