Parking Advisory Committee Meeting

Past event
Dec 4, 2023, 6 to 8 PM

Richmond Parking Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
Monday December 4, 2023     6:00 PM
Richmond Town Center Meeting Room, 3rd Floor – 203 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT
Hybrid Meeting – In-person Meeting with Zoom Option
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 5533 0715
Passcode: 568910
Phone: 929 205 6099

6:00 PM    Welcome & Public Comment
6:05 PM    Additions or deletions to agenda.     
6:10 PM    Discussion of overnight parking by un-housed residents.
                  Review of Housing committee meeting discussion. 
6:30 PM    Follow up on Dugway road signage.
6:35 PM    Follow up on Gillette's Pond parking discussion.
6:40 PM    East Cochran road update including shoulder work.
6:50 PM    Browns court Pickle ball parking.
7:00 PM    Review highlights of PAC 2023 projects
7:30 PM    Presentation of Hinesburg PD parking data
7:45 PM    Approval of 10/23/2023 meeting minutes 
7:50 PM    Review of "action points" before next meeting
7:55 PM    Schedule next meeting and suggestions for next agenda
8:00 PM    Adjourn

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