Mt. Vernon Lodge Spaghetti Dinner

Past event
Sep 13, 2014, 5 to 7 PM

This is the first of our monthly fundraising community dinners. The cost is $8.00 for an adult, $5.00 per child. It includes all you can spaghetti, salad, roll, and drink. It is open to anyone in the community sponsored by the members of Mt. Vernon Lodge Free and Accepted Masons. We are located in the old Water & Light Department building. Parking available on the side street next to Rudy's Clip Joint and behind our Lodge building. All proceeds will go toward our Masonic Charities to support local youth organizations, scholarships, and community service providers. If you have any questions please contact Dave McAllister, Master of Mt. Vernon Lodge # 8 802-760-8064 or email

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