SB Meeting

Past event
Nov 27, 2023, 6 to 9 PM


6:00 Call to Order; Additions or Changes to Agenda; Administrative Items
- Approve Minutes of November 13, 2023
- Sign Board Orders
- Ratify the vote taken at last meeting to sign the Dept. of Public Safety addendum to Kent Hill Scoping
- Elect a new Selectboard Vice Chair

6:05 Public Comment: Up to 15 minutes; time will be divided so that everyone has equal time to speak.

6:20 Presentation of Annual Audit Review: Sullivan and Powers
- Possible Action: Accept audit
- Possible Action: Vote to sign agreement with S&P for annual and single audits performed in FY'25 and FY'26

6:50 Vermont Internal Control Checklist
- Possible Action: Accept the Checklist as prepared by the Town Treasurer

7:00 Budget Mark Up
The Selectboard has now heard the wish lists and funding requests for the FY'25 budget, and these have been placed into a draft budget. The Selectboard will review this draft line-by-line to determine how much to allocate in the final proposed budget. We will have the draft budget on the big screen at the Town Hall. Those attending either in person or via Zoom will be able to see each item and see changes made as each item is discussed. Kari Bradley will lead this discussion.

8:30 Commission Appointments
- Jarrod Weiss has applied to join the Historic Preservation Commission with endorsement from HPC Chair, David Schütz
o Possible Action: Appoint Jarrod Weiss to fill a vacant seat on the Historic Preservation Commission that expires in 2025
- Jarrod Weiss has also applied to join the Planning Commission
o Possible Actions: (1) Increase the number of seats on the Planning Commission by adding a term that expires in 2025 and appoint Jarrod to that term; or (2) suggest that Jarrod start attending and participating in PC meetings now, and wait to be appointed in March, at which time a member has expressed intent to resign

8:40 Reports
- Town Clerk: Teegan Dykeman-Brown
- Town Administrator: Kari Bradley
o Possible Action: Decide whether or not to purchase the boom mower that Toby Talbot said at the Nov. 13 meeting is still available
- Curtis Pond Dam: Jamie Moorby
o Possible Action: Authorize the Town Treasurer to proceed with a bond application, and determine the length of the CPA bond (i.e. 10-20-30 years)
o Possible Action: Vote to accept donations of $40,000 from CPA and $140,000 from MCCC to be used toward repair of the dam
- IT: Jordan Keyes
- Status of Shedd v. Calais: Anne Toolan and Jordan Keyes
o Possible Executive Session under 1 VSA Section 313 (a)1 (E) pending or probable civil litigation to which the public body is a party

9:00 Adjournment

Note: Agenda items may be taken up earlier than noted if items are completed more quickly than anticipated.

You may join via Zoom for observation purposes only. Zoom participant microphones will be muted.
If you wish to provide comments, please attend in person. Closed Captioning will be activated for those who wish to use it.

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