Celebrate Huntington's 250th on Sept. 8

Past event
Sep 8, 2013

Come out & join your friends and neighbors for a full day of events celebrating Huntington's 250th anniversary. A town photo is planned for 10:30am at Brewster-Pierce School. Directly after the picture taking, at 11:00am, the annual Chicken BBQ will be served at the school, continuing until 2:00pm or all are served. Proceeds from the BBQ benefit the Huntington Public Library.

At 1:00pm an Ice Cream Social and live music begin at the Huntington Town Hall. The Town Hall is located across Main Road from the Town Offices in Huntington Center and is within walking distance from the school. The ice cream is free while it lasts and entertainment is provided by the popular local duo, Swing Peepers – Matt Whitten and John Hadden. There will be a display of Huntington historic photos and memorabilia on display.

A Contra Dance called by Will Mentor, with live music by Pete Sutherland and Jim Burns starts at 4:00pm at the Barn at Jubilee Farm on Main Road in Huntington Center. This is a community event and families and beginners are welcome. The cost is $5 per adult; $2 12 years & under; $12 per family (2 adults & children).

The 350th celebration continues around town through June 2014. There is a history quiz going on now with prizes, availible at the Town Office, Library and Beaudrys. The Library is accepting Camel's Hump artwork for a show in September. A Scavenger Hunt will start on Sept. 8th. One or more History Panels with Huntington elders will be presented by HHCT. Other activities - a special church service, town picnic, a railroad event at Windekind, time capsule burial and more - are in the works. Stay tuned for more info.

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