Learn how to be happy. And find out what nam-myoho-renge-kyo means? A primer on the Eastern religion.
Nicheren revealed that Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the law that permeates all life and the universe. This phrase literally translates as devotion to the Mystic Law of cause and effect through the Buddhas’s teaching or sound.
Nicheren describes this phrase by saying, “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is not only the core of the Buddha’s teaching but also the heart, essence and ultimate principle of the Lotus Sutra(The writings of Nicheren Daishonin, p. 860).
By chanting Nam myoho Renge Kyo with confidence in our innate Buddhahood we can dispel doubt, challenge our problems courageously and create victory in our lives!
(In this one hour INTRO TO BUDDHISM class, we will introduce the practice of Nicheren Buddhism, overview a brief history of Buddhism, describe the Soka Gakkai International and do a brief demonstration of chanting) EMAIL-- rrodriguez1738@gmail.com