Town Plan - Public Hearing, 11/16/2023, 6:30 Pm

Past event
Nov 16, 2023, 6:30 to 7:30 PM

The Selectboard will hold a public hearing on a new Town Plan, as proposed by the Planning Commission. Residents are invited to attend, Thursday, Nov. 16, 6:30pm, Town Hall, Zoom, or MMCTV.

At the hearing, Jericho's Town Planner will review Plan highlights, and the Selectboard will hear public comments. Comments can be delivered prior to the hearing at your convenience by contacting Linda Blasch, Town Planner, 802-899-2287 x103, Comments already received are already incorporated into the public record. The Selectboard will hold a second public hearing in the near future.

The PC developed the Town Plan over the past year, based on dozens of meetings with residents, Town committees and volunteers, Town staff, and the Regional Planning Commission. The Town Plan is a visionary document and must meet state and county requirements, and it will guide community growth and investment for the next several years.

The entire 18 month project is available on the town website, Join in Jericho
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