As the first part of our quarterly AIA community meeting on 15 November at the fire house, Jack Mance of the Adirondack/Glens Falls Transportation Council (A/GFTC) will be presenting the results from the recently collected Village Pedestrian Improvement Plan surveys. The goal is to review the survey results and for him to receive input on what the community sees are the top 3-5 focus areas for improvement. With that, A/GFTC can task their associated engineering firms to develop detailed plans and cost estimates for our priority areas by Spring 2024 so Village government can make informed decisions regarding grant opportunities, costs, and whether to move ahead with any of the recommendations.
The remainder of the AIA meeting will highlight updates from our Water and Sewer, Streetscape, and Community Engagement subcommittees as we discuss other improvement-related activities within our community.
We hope you can make this meeting as we'd appreciate your engagement and feedback.
Argyle Improvement Association Board of Directors