Youth Program, Green wood Spoon Carving!
Saturday, Nov 11th 10-1pm
White River Craft Center, Randolph
In this three-hour workshop, young participants will be introduced to the safe handling of a sharp tools to carve a simple eating spoon.
In this three-hour workshop, young participants will be introduced to the safe handling of a sharp straight bladed knife and a hook knife to carve a simple eating spoon from green wood. Participants will learn how to create a safety circle around them for carving with others, sharpen their pencils, peel the bark from yellow birch sticks (learning that they smell like root beer!), and finally carve a spoon from a well-prepared spoon blank using traditional tools.
Tools and materials provided.
Although the workshop will focus on and emphasize safety, as with the use of any sharp tool, there is a risk of injury, and a parent or guardian will need to sign a simple liability waiver for their child for them to participate.
Age Minimum, 10 years old
Teaching Artist, Andre Souligny,
Cost: $100 (Scholarships available!)
Register at or contact, 802-318-3421 to arrange payment by check or cash