Potluck - a Sense of Place

Past event
Sep 18, 2014

For great food and great stories, the Weathersfield Land Preservation Association (WLPA) invites everyone to a potluck and storytelling celebration of land on Thursday evening, September 18, 6 pm, at the Weathersfield Center Church. Join us to celebrate and raise awareness of the land, its many functions in our communities and good stewardship, no matter what we do on the land.

Why bring people together to celebrate time on the land? Land and land use can be something to celebrate, but it is also sometimes contentious. For example, hikers might complain about mountain bikes eroding their trails; fishing folks might complain about pleasure boats; real estate people and builders might complain about land owners who restrict building to preserve fields and forests; … the land could tell lots of stories of contention, but with some recognition of each other’s priorities and of good land stewardship, we can preserve a sense of place, understanding that others have a sense of place as well. So our purpose is to celebrate the land and hear each other’s stories about our time on the land.

Join us and these cooperating organizations:
Ascutney Trails Association (ATA)
Black River Action Team (BRAT)
Connecticut River Greenup Association
Conservation Commission of Weathersfield
Green Mountain Horse Association (GMHA)
Sport Trails of the Ascutney Basin (STAB)
Springfield Food Coop
Upper Valley Land Trust (UVLT)
Vermont Land Trust
Weathersfield Greenup Association
Weathersfield Hiking Association

Call (802)-263-5217 for details.

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