Dear Neighbor,
If you'd like to see Mind Magic for the first time or again (I've added one or two mind-bending new effects), you can do so next Saturday, 11/18.
We're back at the Off Center on North Avenue in Burlington, a terrific venue. Bring a new friend and share the magic!
Let's face it. We ALL need a good laugh!
For tickets and information, visit .
See you there!
Magically Yours,
PS. Butter Bar is offering a 10% discount to ticket holders that night!
Mar 3, 2025, 7 to 8:30 PM
Homeschool Meet-UpMar 5, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM
The Baffo Box Show at Plainfield Opera HouseMar 9, 2025, 4 PM