How to Read the Dictionary

Past event
Nov 6, 2023, 6 to 7:30 PM

How to Read the Dictionary: A Conversation with a Lexicographer

Why do some words have many different meanings? Why are there so many types of dictionaries? Why are dictionaries arranged the way they are? Michael Metivier, Lexicographer with Merriam-Webster, will help us understand the answers to these questions and more. We'll examine dictionary entries as they appear in different Merriam-Webster dictionaries, from the Unabridged to the Collegiate, Online, to the Learner's to the mass-market, Intermediate, etc. We'll learn about the different elements of different dictionaries, and of the entries themselves, to help people understand better why they are arranged the way that they are. Email or call 802-674-2556 to let us know you're coming!

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Windsor Public Library, State Street, Windsor, VT

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