Corridors of Westford Community Workshop

Past event
Sep 17, 2014

The Westford Planning Commission is pleased to announce our fourth community workshop which will be held Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the Westford Public Library.

Once again, Planning Consultant, Brandy Saxton of Place Sense will lead our workshop. This workshop tackles the question of how to incorporate new business into a rural landscape. Specifically, it will focus on methods of encouraging local and economic development within the Agricultural, Forestry, Residential 2 Zoning District (VT Route 128, VT Route 15 and Westford Milton Road) in such a way that maintains Westford’s cultural and historical character.

Please join us to discuss different concepts and designs in an informative hands-on environment. The key topics will be site design, visibility and landscaping associated with new business. Come express your ideas, thoughts and concerns regarding this planning approach.

Your participation will help shape the future!

For more information go to:

Planning Commission meetings are open to the public and are usually held the 1st Monday and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. in the downstairs floor of the Westford Town Office. However, due to increased workload this schedule has become more frequent. So please visit the Town Website ( for the most up-to-date Planning Commission meeting agenda. We strongly encourage public participation and invite all to attend.

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