Join us as we talk about the stories behind the stories that make up Party Like It's 2044: Finding the Funny in Life and Death, a collection of eclectic essays by acclaimed writer and teacher, Joni B. Cole. Come for the conversation and leave with a prompt to tap into your own meaningful memories.
Joni B. Cole writes about her worries that Vlad the Impaler may be a distant cousin. She feuds with a dead medium. She thinks (or overthinks) about power trips, insulting birthday cards, and the real reasons writers hate Amazon. At once irreverent and thought-provoking, Cole offers a joy ride that lands smack on the sweet spot between soul searching and social commentary, between humor and heft.
"Fabulously readable and thoroughly engaging, it is Cole's voice that makes her stories sing. Whether she's leading us into laughter, or holding our hand through dazzling moments of emotional recognition, Cole takes writing seriously while taking herself lightly, and thereby illuminating the world with these memorable essays."—Gina Barreca; author, scholar, and humorist