Misc. Free Items, in Garage, Rain or Shine, 2 Hrs. Only

Past event
Nov 4, 2023, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM

nothing for $ale - FREE stuff only - garage at 126 Charles Ave., Middlebury - 11:30a till 1:30p - SAT., NOV. 4
(across the street from the football bleachers beside high school) - - - Please note this on your calendar!

2 walk-behind lawn mowers, both in need of a repair
70 stuffed animals
7 Nancy Drew mysteries
6 grapefruit dishes and 4 grapefruit spoons
two sets of four napkin rings
2 dart boards
1 Gumby, in the unopened package
1 doll cradle
1 Hot Wheels set
1 Advent candles set
child's tea set
scrapbooking kit
Snoopy latch hook craft kit
clear glass chess/checkers set
Hungry Hungry Hippos
dozens of Matchbox cars
coffee mugs
books for children
jig saw puzzles
board games
Little Lulu and Tubby Tomkins ceramics
etc., etc.

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garage at 126 Charles Ave., Middlebury

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