Home for Sale - Handy Man Special

Past event
Nov 4, 2023, 9 to 11 AM

Open House
Saturday November 4th 9am-11am

15 Spring Hollow Lane, Barre Town
To be sold As-Is. -- Financing must be in order.
Taking offers for a quick private sale only through November 12th, then it goes to a realtor to sell.
3 bedroom, 1 bath, living room, family room w/woodstove, sunroom, kitchen, dining room, laundry, storage, and 1 car attached garage. Needs complete renovation.

Great location - - Great potential!

Questions: LMConti22@gmail.com
Cell 802-476-7962
Please e-mail offers to above and include name and full contact info with your offer by November 12th.

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