You Are Invited:The fifth annual Vermont Yoga Women's Renewal Retreat to benefit Women For Women International and You! ( Sunday 9-28-14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at r.k.Miles' studio, Rte 11 & 30, Manchester VT. Theme: Happy Go Lucky, meditation: to surrender misfortune and fear, luncheon: scrumptious potluck vegetarian. After a beautiful day of yoga, meditation, good deeds, good food, dancing, pampering, and deep relaxation, you will return home with community collective energy, a happier mind, a content body, and a tailwind to your happy go lucky lifestyle. We have saved nine women and plan to make real peace on earth by sponsoring new sisters while refreshing and inspiring ourselves.
Suggested donation: $60, or what you are comfortable giving. To register: email Pauline Gardner, text or call 802-345-7132