Special School Meeting Wednesday, Nov. 8

Past event
Nov 8, 2023, 6:30 PM

Dear Community Members,

The draft agenda for next week's School Meeting related to tuition policy has been posted - please review it. The School Board looks forward to seeing and hearing from you next week on this issue.

The School Board would like to thank Steven John in advance for offering to moderate this discussion.

6:30: Call to Order

6:35: Intro and protocol, introduce guests

6:40: Overview- how we got here and what do we do now?

7:00: Legislators: What is happening at the Legislature this coming season?
Representative Emily Long (invited)
Senator Nader Hashim (confirmed attending)

7:30: Q and A

8:00: Adjourn

Meeting Details:
There has been discussion in recent years among some School Boards, the Vermont School Board Association and in the Vermont legislature surrounding School Choice. In June 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that Maine was not permitted to exclude religious schools from a program that offers tuition for private education in rural towns where there are no public schools. This has broadened the number of schools that tuitioning towns like Marlboro are able to send their children. The Marlboro School Board has voted to bring this topic to a community-wide vote this spring.

The Board is holding an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the Marlboro School Outback (gym). This informational meeting will introduce this topic to the community, open a discussion on choice in our town, and explain what our options are at the town School Board level if the town desires to change current policy.

If you have questions please feel free to contact a Board Member via email:


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