Third Annual Momac Cancer Paddleathon in memory of Mackenzie Pratt and Mona Roberts is set for Saturday, Oct. 4th, 2014
Start time is Noon, Registration opens at 10:30>. Free T- Shirt with first 50 registrations.
Race/Paddle will 4 + 6 miles courses. Start and finish will be Bert's Boats Outpost located off Route 15 just 250 yards East of the Route 108 and Route 15 Rotary Exchange.
Many different classes so all can participate with or against family and friends.
Some 50+ area businesses have once again generously donated items that will be available in a Silent Auction as well as a Raffle Drawing for participants, [must be present to win Raffle Drawing].
All Funds raised via Entry Fees Sponsor Donations, and Silent Auction will be donated toward fighting Cancer.
Don't have a boat? Bert's Boats will rent you one for only $10.00 and all proceeds here goes toward fighting cancer as well.
Awards , Food, Silent Auction, Raffle, and Music to follow paddle 1:30 + on.
Free camping for out of towners.
Call Ken/Bert at 802-644-8189 to Reserve a canoe or kayak for the Event or to have any questions answered.
"Paddle It's Good For Your Core"