Hyde Park VFW, Hyde Park, VT 05655, To benefit Lamoille Area Cancer Network. Are you a crafter, scrapbooker, do paper crafts, sew, quilt, knit, paint, make jewelry? Do you never have time to get project done at home? Pack it up and bring it. Everyone is welcome! $50.00 registration fee covers generous work space, meals, Welcome Gift, Coffee, Door Prizes, use of Big Shot and cricut with cartridges. We will again be having a Chinese silent auction, raffle for our fall Bundle Package and NEW this year our Vintage Christmas Decorating Bundle, and once again our signature card box with approximately 100 home made cards. Tickets will be $1.00 each. For more info or registration contact Gloria Paine at marilynmunroe@comcast.net or Pat Lanphear at 802-888-4522. Come and have fun while supporting people with cancer! All monies raised will go to LACN!