Putney Affordable Housing Advisory Mtg

Past event
Oct 30, 2023, 6:30 to 8 PM

Putney Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Oct.30- 6:30-8 pm -at Town Hall and online

PUBLIC ACCESS: This meeting is a hybrid meeting, which means the public body is meeting physically and electronically. Please note that while we will strive to provide means for those attending remotely to participate in the public comment period, there may be technical difficulties or reasons that otherwise prevent or interrupt remote public participation.
Information on how to access and participate in the meeting remotely via zoom:

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81494573455?pwd=WjNBLy9nWU54cFdEWW1URlNCOWhFQT09
Toll Free Phone: 1(646)558-8656
Meeting ID: 814 9457 3455
Passcode: 4385438

WELCOME: Visitors are welcome at PAHAC meetings. Anyone wishing to address the Board/Committee on a specific matter is encouraged to make arrangements to appear on the agenda with either the Board/Committee Chairperson or the Town Manager. Emergency matters can be handled by requesting recognition by the Chairperson during Other Business. Reasonable accommodations will be made upon request.

1. 6:30 pm Call to Order
2. 6:35 Moment of Recognition in Memory of Eva Mondon
3. 6:40 Nomination of Lisa Chase and Aidan Paradis for recommendation to Select Board for appointment to Putney Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
4. 6:45 Presentation from VT. State Rep. Seth Bongartz on Act 47- The HOME Bill
5. 7:15 Discussion of Next steps/ A New Charge for this committee for presentation to the Selectboard
6. 7:45 Public Comment
7. 8pm Adjourn

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