Blue Barn Productions presents:
Love & Physics
Question: Can you Learn the Entirety of Physics in one sitting?
Answer: Maybe, if you sing it!
Original, 100% Vermont Grass-Fed Musical Comedy Theater coming soon to the Unitarian Church, Montpelier
26th, 27th 28th & matinee 29th October
3rd, 4th & matinee 5th November
Tickets sold by
$20 adults
$10 for kids under 15 years old
Tickets on the door, payments by cash or card
Curtain up by 7.30pm, matinees by 3pm
Don't miss this new musical comedy from local playwright talent Chris Colt
& Directed by rising star Susie Cooper
Love & Physics is a tragic comedy about a father who is unable to communicate with his son. The father gave his ten year old son an iPhone. Now, the boy is fourteen years old and wants to 'play' with his iPhone constantly. The father doesn't know what to do. He decides he needs to know how his son's iPhone works. But he doesn't have a clue about physics and how the iPhone works. His son doesn't seem to care about the inner workings of an iPhone, or, frankly, anything scientific. Oh, and the father's marriage to the boy's mother is in trouble... So, to distract the father from his failing marriage, he decides to teach himself physics. Except, he is just like his son. When he was young, he didn't care for science either. But he is trying for his son.
Love & Physics takes us on a hilarious and touching journey through the scientific discoveries from Aristotle, to Newtonian Physics, to Einstein and all the way to Steve Jobs. We witness a baby boomer trying to join the scientific-dots to keep up with the tech-savvy generation Z.
If you are looking for good, wholesome and funny entertainment, Love & Physics has it all. It's a tender tribute to our changing internet-dominated world.
With over 20 original songs, and a good amount of science fact and drama; Love & Physics is this year's must see musical comedy for 2023.
Montpelierites and Central Vermont theater goers will find fun, hilarity and uplift in Love & Physics. This contemporary tragic musical comedy highlights the inter-generational differences, as social media becomes all pervasive in our daily lives.
Mar 2, 2025, 3 to 5 PM
Civic Services at Town Meeting!Mar 4, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
La Leche League of Lamoille CountyMar 6, 2025, 11 AM to 12 PM