Lego "Powered Machines" Workshop at Cobleigh Library!

Past event
Oct 27, 2023, 1 to 3 PM

Learn how to create a variety of simple & powered machines using our new LEGO Education kits!

After attending one of these workshops, participants will be eligible to use these kits anytime the library is open.

Designed for kids ages 8 & up.
Ages 6 & 7 may participate with parental assistance.

Space is limited to 12 participants for each workshop.

Two sessions to choose from:
This Friday (10/27) 1pm-3pm, OR this Saturday (10/28) 10am-noon.

To reserve your spot, stop by the library or call 802-626-5475.

Once all 12 slots are filled, names can be added to a waiting list. Those on the waiting list will be invited to attend if others cancel, and will also have priority in signing up for future LEGO Education workshops at Cobleigh Library.

Many Thanks to the Vermont Early Literacy Initiative, for fully funding the purchase of these awesome new LEGO Education kits!

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Event Info

Cobleigh Public Library, Depot Street, Lyndonville, VT

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