Everyone is welcome to join the conversation at a Death Café next Thursday, November 2, All Souls Day, from 11:00-12:00 at the Library. A Death Café is a safe and relaxed space to gather with others, often strangers, to have an open discussion about death. The objective is to engage in interesting, thought-provoking and life-affirming conversation. GFL Trustee Sharon Putney, a retired physical therapist who worked with patients in end-of-life hospice care, will facilitate the discussion. This is not a counseling or bereavement session. There will be cake, coffee, and conversation.
Greensboro Free Library
2023 FALL/WINTER HOURS: TUESDAY 10-7, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 10-5, SATURDAY 10:00-2:00, SUNDAY 11:30-1:30.