Cover Letter & Resume Webinar - Resume Rips!

Past event
Nov 3, 2023, 4 to 5 PM

Join us for a fun and engaging webinar Resume Rips! Mark Heyman, Owner of HR Happens, is a former (recovering) attorney, HR Leader and Consultant with over 25 years of experience including reviewing 10's of 1,000's of resumes and cover letters. This webinar will give you an inside look at how HR & hiring managers are reviewing your resumes and cover letters, what they look for and what they see and some tips on how you can increase your chances of landing in the "yes" pile... quickly.

$20 using the Promo Code "FIRSTRIP" .. we'll be using real examples to show you how to improve your resume and cover letter to make you stand out in the right way and improve your shot of getting to talk to a human!

Register via the link below, send your cover letter & resume to I'll pick up to 4 for respectful ripping and if I pick yours, you get a t-shirt! As well as some great tips to help you in your job search. Everyone will have fun and a few things to walk away with to work on your resume over the weekend.

This webinar is a must for anyone working on or using their resume today!

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