On the agenda at this week's Development Review Board meeting:
* Continued Final Plan review for proposed 5-Lot Subdivision at 363 Riverview Dr.
* Sketch Plan review for renovation of house & barn for proposed mixed-use facility at 213 Ferry Rd.
* Review & Approve draft Meeting Minutes
* Finalize the DRB's recommendation to the Selectboard on their appeal process of DRB decisions
* Review of the Conservation Commission's handout for DRB applications
* Annual discussion of the DRB review process
The meeting will be held in-person at Charlotte Town Hall, with a remote participation option via Zoom: https://bit.ly/October_25_DRB_Meeting. All are welcome.
Dec 31, 2024, 7 to 8 PM
Alpha Film Series at St. John Vianney ChurchJan 3, 2025, 6:15 to 8:30 PM
Annual Williston Scout Troop 692 Christmas Tree PickupJan 4, 2025