New Singalong Series in Bradford

Past event
Nov 16, 2023, 5:45 PM

Monthly Bringalong Singalongs coming soon for the entire community!

Where: Bradford Academy auditorium (172 N. Main St, Bradford VT)

When: November 16th, doors open at 5:45 pm, singing starts at 6

Who: You, and Me, and Us, and our hosts, Mallory & Scott (aka The Rough & Tumble)

Why: To SING together!! Lyrics will be projected onto a screen at the front of the auditorium.***

What: Bring your voices, your families, your friends... and, if you want, your on-the-go supper, to eat in neighborly company after we sing! (not in the auditorium, we'll go to the hallway for that)

And throughout the next year, hosts from near and far will rotate in to lead us all in song... here's a sneak peek at the lineup... save these future dates!

12/14 The Rough & Tumble
1/18 Thomas Chapin (and _____?)
2/15 Rose Ayala
3/21 Fifth Business
4/18 Patrick Ross
5/16 The Honey Badgers
6/20 The Art of DonnCherie
7/18 Peter Mallary
8/15 TBD
9/19 René and Don (and Nichole?)
10/17 TBD

... subject to change. Join the Bringalong Singalongs Facebook group for updates and fun ways to get involved:

Bringalong Singalongs are a partnership between Bradford Parks & Recreation and local musicians The Rough & Tumble and project jelinora. Thanks to the Vermont Community Foundation for the grant to run it! All singalongs will include a strong effort towards maximum accessibility and inclusion. Music and connection and JOY for all!

***If you have special needs which require you to get them in advance, or any other special needs or questions, send a note to this email address or and we'll work on it!

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